Friday, August 19, 2011

Erase the Word GREED, I and feed our children HUMANITY, Equality, Love, Respect, Unity

Dear Humans,

Good Day to you all.

Straightaway coming to the point. At present in INDIA we have a lot of issues like corruption, economic status difference, poverty, starvation deaths, inequality, scams, misappropriation of power, etc...

We are demanding reform in election, strong Laws, Punishments etc... Do you feel all the erase the above said issues... Definitely not. When we grow with GREED in our mind, it is the seed for all of the above said & more issues.

The seed GREED is not planted from sky by unknown, it is planted by us into our children from their birth, so avoid feeding GREED to our children and feed them with HUMANITY, Equality, Love, Respect, Unity & other good things. It will train them to understand others equal instead treating them as competitor.

Greed is NOT only aiming for 100KG diamond or crores of money,wealth it is also available in asking your children to defeat someone to achieve in ranks. Greed on WEALTH, POWER, LAND leads to all issues. Greed on the above planted from birth. So our present Educational system needs a complete change. Govt Administration needs change. We must bring everyone to minimum equal level with all standard basic amenities provided. ( Lot more to be discussed later )

Also note this new methodology of feeding humanity and good things wouldn't stop the growth, inventions & developments. If we train our children to achieve all this unitedly instead of pulling others down to climb up we can achieve a lot.

Don't climb down Also Don't pull down.

Hence Start to feed our children with HUMANITY, Equality, Love, Respect, Unity & other good things.

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